Friday, December 20, 2013

Queen of Everything

I decided I love making peg dolls. Here's one I made for a friend. It's supposed to be a representation of her. She's such an awesome person that I decided she should be the Queen of Everything! Don't you love her little crown? I wish I could remember where I got that. I need to do a search.

The Queen carries a shiny scepter and a nice banner proclaiming her royal title.

Here she is ignoring you in a wonderfully royal way.
I will definitely be making more peg dolls in the future!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Vintage Look Christmas Ornament

Do you ever just wake up and think, "I need to make something today."? I did, just this morning. I didn't want to just start something, I wanted to spend a little time in the craft room and make a little project, start to finish.

So, a Christmas ornament. I used a round tin, some scrapbook paper, micobeads, faux pearls, some tinsel, a few rhinestone stars, and a bottlebrush tree and a little vintage plastic Santa.

The snow on the bottom is Apoxie Sculpt clay with microbeads pushed into it. The clay is so great to use because I just simply pushed the tree and the Santa into it and it holds them in place. 
Not a lot to it, but I love its sweet, simple vintage look. And it looks great on the tree.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Christmas Stocking Gift Card Holders

I love giving gift cards, but I hate just handing over a plain card. I want there to be some sort of little gift involved. This year, here's the way I'm presenting some of the gift cards I'm giving away: in little stockings! Alpha Stamps has some chipboard stockings that were specially sized for gift cards. And after the card is gone, the stockings can be used as ornaments.

I layered lots of strips of scrapbook paper to get the stripey effect. The back of the stocking has a little pocket that the card fits in.

Here's a detail of one of the stockings. I used Dazzles Black Thin Lines Stickers cut into small pieces to mimic the stitching on the heel, toe, and top of the stocking. And don't forget the jingle bells!