Monday, May 30, 2016

Wishy Washi iPad Cover

I recently purchased a new iPad cover because the one I had was literally falling apart. I found a $10 cover on Amazon, and it's like my whole tablet is brand new. Yesterday I was messing around in the craft room and decided to pull out my washi tape and customize the cover. It was a plain mint green, but now...

I didn't put any tape in the folds, and I really burnished everything down once it was in place. I like my new fun cover!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

More Alice

Here's the other Alice project I mentioned in my last post. I took a 2" chipboard cube and a couple of great Alice collage sheets and this is what happened: a little Alice trinket box. I used metal hinges for the lid, and a brad for the front closure. (I clipped the prongs off the brad and attached it with E6000 glue.)
Back image:

When you open the box, you find the instigator of the madness that was Alice's trip down the rabbit hole: the White Rabbit himself. This tiny white rabbit used to be grey, but I painted him with gesso and gave him a nice red bow tie. He's inside a 1" chipboard box, which is supported by a tiny spool in order to give it the appearance of floating. Alice was living a relatively boring life up until she met the rabbit, which is why I made the inner box bright and colorful within the black and white interior of the larger sized box. Wouldn't you want to follow that rabbit too?
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