Thursday, April 12, 2012


Some of the moderators on Craftster decided to do a pet swap, where we each sent each other one or two small items for, or relating to, our pets. I was assigned to send something to Connie, who lives with the sweetest girl, Jenna.

Here she is. Isn't she so cute?

Connie mentioned on her wishlist that she'd like something with Jenna's image on it, so I grabbed another of those 4" by 4" blocks of wood I have, and painted her portrait. Once the block was done, I tried beading a hanger for it, but it just didn't look right to me, so I added some bead caps for feet. It still needed something, so I grabbed this giant glass heart bead that's been floating around my craft room forever and attached it to the top. Here she is:
I'm so happy with the way this came out. The sendouts for the swap aren't until May 1st, but I just couldn't stand it, so I mailed it early this week, and it arrived today.

Here's the side. I like the way the red ribbon looks around the sides, but the ugly truth is that I put the it there to hide the holes where the wire hanger used to be. Shhh!


  1. Jenna's mine. You captured her heart and soul and I can't thank you enough!

  2. So well done! You did a wonderful job :)

  3. She's perfect!
    Do you do cat portraits?

  4. A long time ago, I did a piece that had three tiny cat portraits on it. Here's it's link on Craftster:

    Cats are harder than dogs.

  5. Oooo, what a wonderful painting! I just know Connie will always cherish it. :)
