Monday, August 8, 2011

Chunky Haunted House

I've been dying to show off my latest Alpha Stamps design team project: this chunky masonite house that is now a haunted chunky house!

I love the way the pages of this book overlap. I really wanted the parts showing when the book is closed to look like they all go together, so took special care in placing my images on the pages behind the front cover. I used lots of Dresden trim on this one; I love the way it looks along the roof line. Here are all the pages, as they would be seen if you flip through the book:
Creepy dolls, witches, and bats!

A frightening child pushing a giant doll head, black cats, skeletons, and evil bats.

More bats, Dia de los Muertos images, and skeletons (oh my!)

The back cover, with a witchy couple and some wonderful old paper from G45.

And one more detail shot, because I love the front so much.
Enter if you dare!